Quicksand Never Sleeps #5
Running Time 75 minutes     Available on DVD-R and as DVD-R Download
It's time for yet another release of sinking action from season three at Camp MPV!
This DVD features an incredible variety of sinking scenes.
Summer Monroe, Natalia Chaplin, Odette Delacroix, Annabelle Genovisi, Stormy Rose,
Athena, Candle Boxxx and Star.
Have a good look at the scenes below. It's another great collection of sinking goodies!


Summer and Natalia put a nice spin on the 'dare' theme as they work their way into deadly peril in an isolated mire. It's all good fun until they realize how difficult it is to get out of the deep part.
But does that stop them from jumping in one last time?


Next, Odette is forces to crawl across a quaking bog towards the camera.  She makes it, after getting filthy and expending precious energy.
Then, she finds herself suspended above the same bog, losing more energy, and unable to hand on.  Poor Odette!!
Then, Annabelle can't help but strip and play once she realizes she has found a secluded patch of quicksand. It's funny how inhibitions are supposed to save us from trouble,
but fail in awkward ways. A very nice visual and emotional offering, featuring a talented an alluring actress.
Next, Stuck and Struggling fans will enjoy the authenticity of Stormy's adventure in the muck and mire. She has a hard time keeping her shoes on in the sucking clay - and that's before encountering the deeper mud that just won't let go of her. Poor Stormy! It's a boggy version of 'out of the frying pan and into the fire'.
Then, dressed for a hike in the wilderness, Athena finds herself separated from her group, and lost. So when she encounters quicksand, and finds her boots to be stuck and dragging her down, she is doomed! A nice long struggle, punctuated by Athena's great sounding voice.
Then, here's where Star finds out that Candle is not such a good hiking partner. After all, who would want to be with someone who puts their friend in harms way, and then uses their sinking body as leverage to escape a deadly mire? Nobody needs friends like that, even if they are extremely well dressed for an encounter with Mother Nature. In fact they both look too good to sink, almost...
 Also, Candle makes a hot summer day that much more steamy as she first encounters, and then devours a remote patch of quicksand. She starts out innocently enough - fully clothed.
But by the time she has decided to make a lover out of the quicksand, she has stripped down to her panties and is enjoying the 'pressure' of her new found love.
A real treat, for her and for us!
After the Credits,  Athena starts her MPV career in energetic fashion as she attacks the quicksand pit next to the river. She's not shy about wanting to experience the sensation and pretty much digs right in. And again. And again. And that great voice of hers makes an appearance as well. Listen for it!
Quicksand Never Sleeps #5  DVD-R


Quicksand Never Sleeps #5  DVD-R  Download
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